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March Meeting Challenge: Design A Page Spread

We discussed this at the January meeting, but I don't think that I did a very good explaining it. The idea came from The Mystic Art of Written Forms by Friedrich Neugebauer (a book you should all own, btw.) This should be a 2 page spread on an 8.5x11 piece of paper in landscape. Please leave about .25" around the margins and build in about .5" gutter. This is so that when it is folded in half it will make an 8.5 x 5.5 booklet which I will collate and return to everyone as a nice booklet sampler. Similar to the folded pen exercises and booklet we made.

In the examples I have from Neugebauer below you can see that the images can be quite abstract. You could even use collage and pictures from magazines. Also your lettering can be as a simple as block printing with a marker or speedball b nib (the round dot nibs).

This is mostly meant to be a DESIGN exercise first, and a calligraphy or lettering exercise second.

Below is the layout I have in mind followed by examples from Neugebauer:

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Mar 11, 2020

Sorry I missed the January meeting, I’m not very clear on this. Are we suppose to all be doing the same phrase or story, or is there a list of assigned phrases or is there a specific theme we all should shoot for? Is there a color scheme? Are there certain materials that are or are not allowed? Are we to bring our pieces to the March meeting or is that just a crit time? Thanks! A little new at these meetings, not sure what to expect.

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